Pickled Cabbage Recipe


Learn how to flavour and pickle cabbages at home. This is a great way to enjoy cabbages throughout the winter months. Spices and fermentation process make this recipe healthy and fermented-pickled cabbages give a good boost to your immunity too.

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Recipe Courtesy: Victoria Paikin’s Channel: Easy Recipes With A Twist


1 head of cabbage
6 cups (1.5 lt) of water
3/4 cup vinegar
3 tbsp Salt
2-3 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Fennel
2 Bay Leaves
3 Cloves
1/4 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Mustard Seeds
1 tsp red chilli flakes


1. Cut Cabbage in long strips.
2. Take 6 cups (or 1.5 lt of water) and add 3/4 cup of vinegar.
3. Add in all the spices and bring to a boil.
4. Pour hot water over cabbage strips. Cover the container with a plate and put something heavy on it (like can or pressure cooker) Let stand for 24-48 hours.
5. Transfer in a container and put in the fridge.
This style of pickled cabbages will be good for 2-3 months. Enjoy!